Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dear Georgia,

It occurred to me today that I often overlook the fact that you are a little person.  I tried really hard today to observe some things about you that I don't normally pay attention to, and here is what I saw today...

1.  you are the cutest when you first wake up.  Your eyes are swollen, your hair is crazy, and you love to cuddle in the morning.  This morning you came and crawled in right next to me, snuggled your face into my neck, and went right back to sleep for a few minutes.  It was heaven.

2.  Your have a very specific way of picking out your outfit.  You always pick out the tights or socks first.  Then the pants, then the shirt.  It seems a little bit backwards to me, but you really love your socks, I guess.  I also realized that almost every day you pick out my socks.  So there is a definite theme here!

3.  You call granola bars candy bars.  When I told you that they're granola bars, you said candy bars taste better.  Very true.  And if that's what you have to tell yourself in order to eat one, go for it!  Just remember that trick when you have to eat yucky things later in life.  (mushrooms?  nah, they're fungus muffins!)

4.  You love to sing loud.  You walked to the babysitter's house this morning while I drove alongside you.  And the whole time, you were belting out the song we're currently obsessed with.  You didn't care if anyone heard you, or who would look - I was very impressed.  And, I have to admit, I was a little bit envious of your ability to sing your heart out like that.  You are amazingly confident. 

5.  You are very polite, but only around other people.  When at home, it's everything I can do to get you to say please and thankyou, I'm sorry, excuse me, etc.  But when you get around other people, you don't hold any manners back.  Thanks for making me look like a good parent!

6.  You tease your brother just for the fun of it.  You have learned the art of being totally annoying.  Today during dinner, you kept touching Gibson's bowl with your spoon.  Then he would react and get mad.  Then you'd say sorry.  Then you'd touch it again, just to see him get upset.  You get that trait straight from your dad.  He loves to tease.  And lucky for you, Gibson is an easy target who upsets easily.  Next time, lay off a little bit though!  I really need to teach Gibson to have more of a sense of humor, and teach you when it's time to quit.

7.  You are, by nature, a night owl.  You can be tired, tired, tired.  But when the sun goes down, you get a second wind that just doesn't die down.  You come up with a hundred excuses to not go to bed.  And that, you get straight from me!

8.  When you want something, you get very snuggly.  When you don't get it, you say mean things.  You know right where it hurts!  "I don't like you," is your favorite thing to say lately. 

9.  You prefer eating with a spoon.  I tried to give you a fork, and you said you like spoons.  Who knew?!

10.  You like it to be very quiet when you go to sleep.  I used to put music on for you, but you recently asked for no music.  Today, I asked you why no music?  And you said it was so that Gibson could fall asleep for school.  That is a very sweet gesture, that you want Gibson to sleep well for school.

I am going to try harder to notice things about you as I take care of you each day.  So much of you is like your dad, or like me.  But there is so much more that is just so Georgia.  And it is so fun getting to know you better - one day at a time!

I love you,


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