Friday, February 4, 2011

Dear Georgia,

You sneaky girl.  Today your room was a disaster zone, and I asked you to clean it.  I worked in the kitchen, and heard various cleaning sounds, such as clunks, crashes, grunts, slides, and grumbles.  In a suspiciously short amount of time, you came running down the hall - in your undies.  "Where are your clothes?" I asked.  "Everything's clean, mom," you reply.  Hmmm.

I walk into your room and find this...bed made (not bad for a 3-year old), and clean floor!  But what is that guilty face?

AHA!  I caught you, little stinker!  Nice try, though! 

Need I remind you that I know EVERYTHING?! 

Oh, Georgia.  You sure know how to make me smile.

I love you!


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dear Georgia,

You drew on the couch last night. 
In orange crayon. 
I was mad, and I yelled at you to go to your room. 
You cried, and went upstairs.
I cleaned the couch.  No harm done (thank goodness for Woolite furniture cleaner).
You eventually got to come out of your room, after I'd had time to recover from the initial shock of an orange couch.
The evening went on as normal.
Bedtime came, and I tucked you in but forgot to give you a kiss.  I turned around and went back to your bed, nuzzled your face a little and told you I love you.
"I'm sorry I colored the couch."

I forgive you, sweetie.  I'm sorry I yelled at you.
